We believe that the most common, and major roadblock to commitment is fear. F E A R. Fear of failure, fear of committing to something you may not carry through, fear of looking foolish amongst friends and peers, fear of not ‘getting it right’ and just downright, heart thumping, dry-mouth fear. If any of these completely logical scenarios are reasons for not making that commitment to losing weight – you are not alone.
In fact, you are in the company of many thousands of people just like you who can’t quite tick that box, sign their name, or publicly announce that they are going to commit to ‘something’.
Most of us fear failure, and can’t stomach negative comments from friends and peers, so it’s a far easier option just to maintain the status quo. It’s human nature not to put ourselves into the realms of the unknown, to commit to something with the fear of failure hanging over our head, or the risk of ridicule.
People who are overweight or obese have a running battle – usually with themselves – veering from being desperate to lose weight to accepting their lot, and we know people who can experience both emotions in a very short space of time. There is also the fear of being judged, ridiculed, or being the butt of a joke, and of course owning up to wanting to lose weight, puts you firmly in the spotlight that you’d do anything to avoid. Of course, friends and family will be supporting you all the way, but there’s always people around who love to witness failure. They are usually the ones who’ve never succeeded at anything! So, it just seems easier and more comfortable for you to take the path of least resistance. Doing nothing!Whatever excuse people make for being overweight or obese (and we’ve heard them all), the clear majority wouldlike to lose weight and gain all the plus marks that go with shedding the pounds. It is likely that you will feel better for losing weight, your clothes will fit you better, you will have a wider choice of fashion, you may even find the courage to wear that bikini that may be lurking somewhere in the bottom drawer. You may even be given the odd compliment or two!
But most of all, you will feel extreme satisfaction in achieving and maintaining your goal weight. And more good news, this sense of achievement will make a big difference to how you view the world and how others view you. Not only did you commit to losing weight, you did it!
Don’t think that we are making light of the effort that’s required to make a commitment. We’re not. We have first-hand experience in the hardship of starting a programme, lapsing, giving up completely, re-committing, losing a few pounds, gaining a few pounds. But, our mantra is to ‘Just Keep Going’.
Members of Successful Slimming will tell you that taking that first step to commit was the difficult thing, but once they’d picked up the ‘phone and had a chat with its founder Janet French and shared their goals, and committed to getting started, the rest of the journey hasn’t been nearly so hard, and we’ll happily share their success stories with you.
Janet herself is walking living proof that the 12-week Success Programme works, having battled with her weight for many years, fluctuating between 23 stones at her heaviest, and the weight she now maintains at 9.5 stones, fitting comfortably into a UK size 8 dress size. Successful Slimming’s secret weapon is the use of hypnotherapy, and through the power of this proven method members begin to think like a naturally slim person and adopt their habits, such as only eating when hungry, eating slowly and stopping when full. There is no magic to this method, simply a tried and trusted system that takes away the constant thought and desire for food. Most overweight or obese people tells us that food is constantly on their mind, and maybe you feel the same. Wouldn’t it be good to have that constant craving taken away?So, what are you waiting for? Commit NOW. Go on! As Nike says, “just do it”. Turn on your PC, laptop or smartphone and click HERE to kickstart your weight loss journey with our unique and proven 12 Week Success Programme.
That wasn’t hard was it? If you have just signed up, give yourself a huge pat on the back – you’ve made that commitment to losing weight and keeping it off forever.
If you want to read more about our proven, successful method of weight loss here How It Works
If you are still procrastinating then book a one-2-one personal call with Janet and she’ll answer your misgivings, questions, and worries and prove to you that if other people can do it, so can you. Email her to book your free consultancy session at janet@successful-slimming.com or click here to book your free call online