Our Resident Experts
Supporting you in your journey to weight loss success

In order to give you the best possible support to achieve your weight loss goals, I have gathered some of the leading experts in their field to help you in your journey. These are in the areas of:
- Hypnosis
- Mindset
- Fitness

Debbie Williams
Debbie is Successful Slimming’s Resident Hypnosis Expert and provides a variety of remarkably effective hypnosis audio downloads to support you in your weight loss journey.
Debbie has assisted Paul McKenna, in a hypnotherapy capacity, since 1995. Assisting him on over well over 50 courses, including his weight loss courses, she is hugely experienced and boasts an incredible portfolio of successful and happy clients. She has worked with many celebrities and Olympic atheletes, with remarkable success, making her the ‘go-to’ person for a wide variety of complicated weight loss and addiction issues.
Her appearance on GMTV helping cure people of their addictions, soared her to greater success, helping the most challenging of clients achieve their goals.
Crucially, during the research phase of Paul McKenna’s “I Can Make You Thin” system (which Janet used to assist her own weight loss), Debbie personally worked with the minority of clients who didn’t achieve the fully expected weight loss success. Her research and knowledge in this particular area provides a critical advantage to those losing weight with this system. Understanding the challenges the minority experience, allows us to adapt and improve to understand wider issues and ensure success is achieved by all.
Her hypnotic downloads are critical to the system and ideally should be listened to nightly, through headphones, as you fall asleep.

Will Polston
Mindset Coach
Will is Successful Slimming’s award winning Mindset Strategist and Coach and provides a series of powerful and thought provoking videos to supercharge your motivation and mindset, ensuring the highest possible chance of weight loss success. His aim is to fully empower you to be able to fulfil your full potential and “Make It Happen”.
His journey started with learning from world famous Tony Robbins and now himself successfully helps an astonishingly wide variety of clients, including celebrities, atheletes and business owners. He is a neuro-linguistic programming master practitioner, a member of the International Coaching Federation, the world’s only globally recognised coaching body and a certified Master Coach and he was a finalist for the Coach of The Year at the Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers and Consultant awards, spoken at TEDx and also is a blogger for The Huffington Post.
His regular videos provide critical support to your weight loss journey and ensure you are in the best possible mindset to fulfil your full potential.

The Body Transformers
Fitness Coach
The Body Transformers are made up of Ben Willcocks and Steveo Buchanan and provide engaging and motivating fitness help and advice to members of Successful Slimming.
As Elite Transformation Specialists, Ben and Steveo specialise in supporting women to transform their bodies using a combination of highly effective fitness techniques. Their unique style focuses on achieving long term sustainable results, as opposed to quick fix solutions.
Their regular videos and Facebook challenges are designed to boost weight loss and tone your changing body. With all the tools, techniques and motivation needed to add exercise into daily routine, you’ll not only lose weight, but feel more energised and healthier too.